
User Management

It allowed your school administrators to manage the user information including teachers and students to work for their class thru schPanel.com and students to view their results online.
School Management

It allowed your school administrators to manage the school information and then create the branding of your school thru schPanel.com with student results and statistics shown on our School page.
Subject and Class Management

It helps the school administrators to set up the subjects your school provides and classes. You can schedule the subjects in each class based on the school timetable.
Exam Management

It helps the school administrators to set up the exam during the year.
Student vs Class vs Exam Management

It provides the capabilities for you to assign the student to the class, and the class to the planned exam.
Exam Grading

This is one of the highlight features of schPanel.com. It allowed the teachers to enter the exam's results and for schPanel.com to prepare the exam result and statistics.
Exam Result and Analytics

It provides the exam results and advanced analytics in download and printable PDF formats such as NPG, NGPK, and NGPM for both STPM and MUET.
Exam Certification

It allowed the teachers to print out the exam certifications for the student, OR the student can download them from schPanel.com via self-service.
Other Documetations

It contains customizable documentation like 'Aku Janji' for the school administration use.


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